"Echoes of Hope Amidst Desolation: A Migrant Woman's Journey”

FOREWORD: This blog is a plea of a troubled woman in the form of a letter that is powerful and poignant. This piece targets the psychological and mental state of a woman. Furthermore, it aims at capturing the emotional turmoil and resilience of a migrant woman trapped in a cycle of violence and displacement. 

The In Charge of My Fate,

Today marks eight years since I landed in this labyrinth of violence, terror, and atrocities. Eight years since I was separated from my haven, my cradle. Eight years since I became chained to catastrophe and violence.

Every day, if I manage to wake up alive, I ponder the same question repeatedly: Will I ever break free from this abyss, or will I remain trapped here indefinitely? My calloused limbs and scarred body bear witness to the trials endured, the battles fought, and the wounds inflicted upon my soul. Each day, as I navigate this desolate existence, I cling to the flicker of hope that refuses to be extinguished, a beacon guiding me through the darkness.

Fear clutches at my heart, a relentless grip that tightens with each passing moment. The uncertainty of what lies ahead keeps me in a state of constant worry. The physical violence of conflict may have forced me to flee my homeland, but it is the psychological violence of displacement that leaves the deepest scars. The constant threat of danger, the pervasive sense of insecurity, the fear of falling victim to exploitation or abuse – these are the demons that haunt my dreams and rob me of peace. The fact that I have to fight for basic necessities like food fills me with rage, yet my anger finds no outlet.

As I journeyed across treacherous borders, evading authorities and dodging the clutches of smugglers, fear became my constant companion. Each step felt like a gamble, with the stakes being my freedom and safety. The nights were filled with restless sleep, haunted by the shadows of those who sought to exploit the vulnerable. Eventually, I found myself confined to the confines of an overcrowded detention center, where time seemed to stretch endlessly. Days blurred into nights as bureaucratic hurdles and legal barriers obstructed any hope of progress. The air was heavy with uncertainty, and the future felt like a distant dream. But amidst the chaos and despair, there were glimmers of resilience and solidarity among fellow detainees.

Loneliness is my constant companion, a heavy weight pressing down on me as I long for the familiar faces. Reminders of comforting embraces of those I've left behind, overwhelms me. In this vast expanse of unfamiliar faces, I ache for the sense of belonging that once anchored me to my family. The place I once called home seems like a distant dream. The sense of comfort, love, and safety that once enveloped me has been cruelly ripped away, leaving behind a void. I grapple with feelings of hopelessness, frustration, and despair as I watch my dreams fade away in the harsh reality of refugee life.

Though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, I cling to the belief that somewhere on the horizon, a ray of hope awaits, ready to illuminate the path forward. I hold onto whatever shreds of normalcy I can find amidst the chaos. Despite finding it increasingly difficult to believe that freedom is drawing nearer with each passing day, I cling to an invisible ray of hope. If need be, I'll die with the name of freedom on my lips.

A migrant woman deemed too troublesome.

Written by-

Niyati Bali 
(Content Associate)


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