
Showing posts from February, 2024
  Tapestry Of Stars: Weaving The Thread Of Future Under The Night Sky Across The Border “ Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.” -Toni Morrison   Preface: The is a tale of a girl named Zahra who amidst the uncertainties of migration and chaos of war emerges as a beacon of strength and resilience. She embarks on the journey and leaves behind the familiar landscape she used to call home. She refuses to be defined by the challenges she faces on this arduous journey. Alone in the foreign land, she befriends the stars and recites her long struggle for finding a place where she can embrace an opportunity for growth and self-discovery to them.     Under the night sky, the stars do not shine the same way as they did back home, Zahra wondered. She can feel the cold breeze touching her face. Last 5 years flashed before her tired eyes. The violence, the crowd, the chaos, all are still fresh in her head. It is as if it happened yesterday

The Predicament of Women Refugees in India

  The Predicament of Women Refugees in India  A refugee is defined as 'a person forced to emigrate for political reasons,' according to the definition available in Merriam-Webster. However, being a refugee is not merely a word but rather a predicament of being stateless. According to the 1951 United Nations Human Rights Council, 'a refugee is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, and membership of a particular social group or political opinion.' Hence, any person who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence is known as a refugee. The term 'refugee' is derogatory, implying homelessness, vulnerability, and alienation, and giving a status of destitution to people who had to seek asylum for survival. Asylum seekers, especially women, who are the most vulnerable group against war crimes and crimes against humanity,

"Echoes of Hope Amidst Desolation: A Migrant Woman's Journey”

FOREWORD: This blog is a plea of a troubled woman in the form of a letter that is powerful and poignant. This piece targets the psychological and mental state of a woman. Furthermore, it aims at capturing the emotional turmoil and resilience of a migrant woman trapped in a cycle of violence and displacement.  To  The In Charge of My Fate, Today marks eight years since I landed in this labyrinth of violence, terror, and atrocities. Eight years since I was separated from my haven, my cradle. Eight years since I became chained to catastrophe and violence. Every day, if I manage to wake up alive, I ponder the same question repeatedly: Will I ever break free from this abyss, or will I remain trapped here indefinitely? My calloused limbs and scarred body bear witness to the trials endured, the battles fought, and the wounds inflicted upon my soul. Each day, as I navigate this desolate existence, I cling to the flicker of hope that refuses to be extinguished, a beacon guiding me t


 RUPTURED VOICES: YET UNBROKEN DREAMS   To be called a refugee is the opposite of an insult; it is a badge of strength, courage and victory. ~ Tennessee Office for Refugees  In the chaos of war, they flee,  Migrant, refugeed women- girls,  Their stories are untold, their struggles unseen,  In search of safety, in a world unfurled.  Leaving behind their homes and dreams,  Their courage shines through the darkest night,  Their resilience, a beacon of hope it seems,  As they navigate this perilous flight.  In unfamiliar lands, they seek a new start,  Facing challenges with strength and grace,  Their voices, their dreams, a beating heart,  Migrant and refugee women- girls, a powerful embrace.  Their plight during wartime, a tale to be told,  Their resilience and bravery, a sight to behold.  Whenever it’s a discussion about war or say conflict even within the communities what we focus upon are THE MEN who have lost their families, friends and even lives. It's not just a case of today th