Salience Of Comprehensive Sexuality Education

In the 21st Century humans claim to be the most civilized of all creatures on the planet. But if we dig deeper into the layers we will find that we lag behind considerably when it comes to spreading awareness with respect to gender equality, bodily autonomy, sexual abuse, gender-based violence, unsafe abortions, teenage pregnancies, lack of contraceptive awareness, and sexually transmitted infections. These are the issues which young adolescents encounter on a daily basis and absence of the same invites several misconceptions about sexuality and sexual health. As a result they feel anxious and are not so comfortable discussing sexual matters around peers or family. They have specific Sexual and Reproductive Health needs and therefore they must be exposed to adequate knowledge and skills to tackle the challenges. So Comprehensive Sexuality Education becomes vital for each individual for their overall development. 

CSE or Comprehensive Sexuality education refers to a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. The prime goal of this curriculum is to impart knowledge,skill, attitude and values to empower children and adolescents to realize their health, well-being and dignity, develop respectful social and sexual relationships, consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others, and understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives. It can be said as a health promotion tool. Despite CSE having several desirable outcomes, it is yet to be accepted by our society and culture,which often stereotypes and stigmatizes the curriculum and discourages sex education from being incorporated in school curriculum.

"UNESCO has published International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education, which advocates for quality CSE to promote health and wellbeing, respect for human rights and gender equality, and empowers children and young people to lead healthy, safe and productive lives.”

CSE keeps into account physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality. It imparts knowledge regarding well being, reproductive rights,consent, dignity and respectful relationships. Numerous evidence suggests that CSE has reduced gender-based violence,unwanted pregnancies, HIV and other STIs, and sexual exploitative behaviors as opposed to commonly held belief of people who are opposed to CSE arguing it leads to increase in sexual activities in adolescents. 

CSE teaches about eight concepts:

  • Relationships
  • Values, Rights, Culture, and Sexuality
  • Understanding Gender
  • Violence and Staying Safe
  • Skills for Health and Wellbeing
  • The Human Body and Development
  • Sexuality and Sexual Behavior
  • SRH

CSE tends to result in inclusion, respect, equality, non-discrimination, empathy, reciprocity, and responsibility in sexual practices. It informs people about their sexual rights, contraceptive means, safe sex,disease prevention methods and reducing sexual assault. Not only this it enables an individual to become familiar with one's body and identity and gain an optimistic view of sexuality and inculcates better decision-making ability. It assists in  emotional and socio- cognitive development. In addition to this CSE also reduces depression and builds self esteem and quality of life. 

Research highlights that sex education  beginning in elementary school had considerable impact on prevention of child abuse, social or emotional learning, better media literacy, fostering healthy sexual relationships, decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse, decreased intimate partner violence,delay in initiation of sexual intercourse, and increasing condom use.  The desirable change was witnessed in gender, and gender-based violence. So we can argue that CSE has strong grounds for introducing and implementing it in society. The researchers have also suggested  national standards of CSE on the basis of inclusion, diversity, and human rights considerations. Proving this generation with CSE is ensuring the future generations utilizing sexual rights and promoting sexual well-being.

Not much evidence base has been produced In India with respect to CSE i.e. more research is needed in the field so that CSE becomes a success in India for which a holistic approach would be required to tackle numerous religious,cultural and societal challenges.  Communities raise objections against CSE which are largely based on myths and false information that does not have much evidence base according to recent research. 

CSE comes to the rescue to the most of the challanges encountered in India for instance high-risk sexual behaviors among youth, including low condom use, multiple sexual partners, and poor awareness about STIs and HIV, child marriage, sexual partner violence , unsafe abortions and teenage pregnancies. We have improved our performance in public health by reducing maternal and  child mortality and other health statistics, we still lack a nationwide CSE curriculum to meet the SRH needs of adolescents.

This would demand bringing parents, teachers, caregivers and other stakeholders in health , education and welfare services to show active participation as in our society openly speaking on the issue is considered a taboo. Linking CSE to life-skills such as decision-making, communication, and negotiation would be of great help.

Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have a vital role to play in addressing the issue. However, the discourse on CSE is yet to become inclusive of the aspects of LGBTQIA+ sensitivity as well as explode sexual myths.

 “Education is not just the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think and react.”  

Written by -
Saumya Yadav,
Content Associate 


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