Reproduction is a Choice

I am a woman; that’s true,

But that does not imply I should be a mother too.

I want to stay as I am,

Being a daughter, a sister, and a wife is already enough, Man!

I don’t think I want the responsibility of a child

And that should be okay with everyone ‘cause it is my life.

Becoming a mother is a choice and not a compulsion

So, if I choose not to, why does my decision face repression?

Who said that if I don’t become a mother, my entire life is simply a waste?

Do my mind and intellect hold absolutely no value and place?

My existence is important not just because I can give birth,

I equally run the society, and that is my real worth.

I don’t want to be a mother, and I will say it aloud

Because it is my and only my decision and I am very proud.

I am already satisfied with my life,

And I am aware that this choice is my reproductive right.

Therefore, what I do with my body is my autonomous decision,

And none of you can interfere ‘cause my right has legal sanction.

Written by -
Anushka Srivastava,
Content Associate 


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