
Showing posts from February, 2023
  The Blue Lady  Yes I am a woman  And pink is not my colour  I am dusky and plump  And I do not compromise  I do not mean to be desirable  But to achieve everything desirable  Yes I am a woman  And pink is not my colour  I am not a princess or a fairy  I am a queen and a majesty  I am calm and serene outside  Fire and desire burn inside  Yes I am a woman  And pink is not my colour  I know how to ride  I know how to strive  I don't want the change  I am the change  I know it, I own it, I live it  Yes, I am a women  And I love the blue. - Shreya Goswami,  Content Associate.


       Women’s bodies have been an authentic source of objectification for men, for a very long time. Even if a woman is being praised, most men put women on a pedestal based on their physical attributes. If we think about the negative aspect, women are pulled down keeping in mind these very physical attributes which are supposedly the elements of “beauty” and worth defining them. Considering the various kinds of revenge moves made against women like acid attacks, sexual assault or verbal slut-shaming brings to our notice the obsession of patriarchy with women’s bodies. These are all brutal ways of demolishing a woman’s core edifice of confidence with superficial standards of physicality.      These incidents are extremely tough for any person to get over, so falling prey to society’s conformist ideals shouldn’t come as a shock. However, even when women choose to move on from their past and continue to live proudly despite their hardships, they need to pay the price for trying to for