Women in veil: women in Afghanistan fighting against the Taliban.

“My daughters are at home because schools are closed for them . My dreams for their future are all shattered. My life becomes bitter when I see my daughters bitter ,when I see my daughters with a disappointed look on their face.”

Fighting, struggling for their rights. Women in Afghanistan were and are fighting for their right to speak, education. They were denied of their freedom. Girls were denied of even school education; women are systematically excluded from public and political life and restricted in their access to employment, justice and health services. In the month of August 2021,Taliban took over the Afghanistan and the crucial state of women begins there on. Despite initial promises that women would be allowed to exercise their rights within sharia law which includes the right to work and to study, the Taliban has systematically excluded women and girls from public life. But these atrocities didn’t let down the spirit of the Afghani women. They continue to fight  for themselves, their freedom of speech, liberty ,work and education is their own and nobody can seize it. They set the example of women power .The year 2022 is all of them,they rise, speck, fight and shine like a star and a sun. They are unstoppable and brave, writing their own story boldly and bravely. The world needs a shout out for their struggle, should empower them. We hope that this New Year brings the sun of happiness and freedom for them, and that the chain of slavery and injustice will be broken down.


Life has become a nightmare for the Afghani women, they are abounded from living a normal life. Living amidst fear and cruelty they are struggling for their family ,will life be normal for them ever again? Will they ever be able to live with dignity and without fear ever again? Will they be able to win their war? Will they be heard? There are lots of questions but there is no one to answer, how long these women have to fight. This is a question for the world, for the popular leaders. The Afghani women need to be heard and empowered, this is the time to wake up and act. To crush the injustice and brutalism. This cruelty is against humanity and we should fight together. Education is their right and no one should have that power to seize it, they have to depend on their male counterpart for every single routine of their life. These women do not deserve this, they should be allowed education, work, politics participation to raise their voice, to drive, to be out and more. They are denied of an independent life, their struggle is magnificent and brave. Lets come together to empower them, the world needs to be a better place where all should have a peaceful and dignified life.

Shreya Goswami,

Content Associate.





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