
Showing posts from January, 2023

Women in Indian Cinema

  Women in Indian Cinema Cinema is a medium that captures and mirrors the social, economic and political mood of the country at any given point of time. It is no surprise hence, that female characters in movies have also changed over time. From the anguished mother waiting for her sons, the damsel in distress whose only role is to get rescued by the hero to films being spearheaded by strong women roles, displaying the contemporary societal mindset towards a portrayal of women empowerment, women as figures who can literally do everything. This is of course, far easier said than done. However, with the amount of impressionable youth flocking to movie theatres and OTT platforms for the consumption of entertainment, it is a tiny step towards a much bigger change that needs to happen.               From the 2000s, the power dynamic started to shift noticeably, women wanted things, their dreams were bigger, they were ambitious, competitive. This has also been attributed to the inclusio


  WOMEN IN INDIAN POLITICS   “For me, A Better democracy is a democracy where women do not only have the right to vote and to elect but to be elected.” -        Michelle Bachelet -        (Head of Women, Former President and Defense Minister)   There is abundant evidence that women's political participation benefits both their individual communities and societies as well as international peace and stability. We are still a long way from achieving gender parity, despite the fact that a number of international agreements and legal frameworks safeguard women's political rights. This must be altered. A truly inclusive democracy must give women the opportunity to exercise their political rights and take part in all political decision-making, which is a critical component of achieving political inclusion.   Despite making up over half of our population, women are disproportionately underrepresented in our political system. Women are not allowed to participate in decis


  Women in AFGHANISTAN Women in veil: women in Afghanistan fighting against the Taliban. “My daughters are at home because schools are closed for them . My dreams for their future are all shattered. My life becomes bitter when I see my daughters bitter ,when I see my daughters with a disappointed  look on their face.” Fighting, struggling for their rights. Women in Afghanistan were and are fighting for their right to speak, education. They were denied of their freedom. Girls were denied of even school education; women are systematically excluded from public and political life and restricted in their access to employment, justice and health services. In the month of August 2021,Taliban took over the Afghanistan and the crucial state of women begins there on. Despite initial promises that women would be allowed to exercise their rights within sharia law which includes the right to work and to study, the Taliban has systematically excluded women and girls from public life. But these


    Had there been a simple answer to the much-debated subject of “chastity”, the world would serve as a comparatively better place. The whole business of male superiority branded as women’s chastity is far more problematic than one could ever imagine. Why would a woman like Draupadi, so headstrong, confident, unafraid and witty, always be treated as a symbol of sympathy but never really looked up to? Although a lot of critics (both men and women) have spoken in her favour, do people really, after all these years, consider her as the “ideal” woman, the term that has religiously been associated with Goddess Sita? The reason lies in the very idea of “chastity”. It is rather disheartening to realize that the term is merely restricted to women. A man can go around having as many relationships as he wants and sexually indulge with no compunctions at all, but in a very similar instance, a woman is slut-shamed for being supposedly “promiscuous” and for her inability to prevent herself f