
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Indian Rape Culture

The recent assault on a female doctor in Kolkata has reignited a painful and persistent conversation about rape culture in India. This case has reminded us that beneath the veneer of progress and modernity, deeply ingrained societal attitudes continue to perpetuate violence against women. Although such crimes are alarmingly frequent, they often fade from the headlines until a particularly horrific incident brings them back into the spotlight. To understand the persistence of rape culture in India, we must delve into the cultural and societal factors that sustain it. Indian society, steeped in patriarchal traditions, often views women through a lens of objectification and control. From a young age, children witness the disparities in how men and women are treated. Boys see their fathers dominate and control their mothers, while girls are conditioned to accept their subordinate roles. This early socialization enforces the notion that men are entitled to dominance and women ar

In the Shadow of Violence: The Heartbreaking End of Kolkata’s Young Doctor
