
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Unholy Crossover: How Gender and Caste Inflict Violence Upon Women

Women have been a subject to oppression for centuries across the entire globe. Violence and discrimination against women are practised in forms of patriarchal mindset, body autonomy, control over means of labour, over reproduction, domestic violence, female foeticide, female infanticide, disparity in wages, killings for dowry, honour killings and etc. Oppression of women has been rehearsed in the form of various practices such as the practice of foot binding in China, wherein the feet of young girls were broken and bended tightly so as to change their shape and limit the mobility of women, later on the practice also became a part of the Chinese beauty standards. In the Indian context we see Khap Panchayats being set up in villages of states like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana where young girls who committed inter-caste love marriages are collectively beaten up and killed by the members of the village community for bringing dishonor to the family. Such are the gender hierarchy, patri