
Navigating Pregnancy and Maternity Leave: Essential Legal Rights Every Expecting Mother Should Know

Pregnancy is a transformative and exciting period in a woman's life, but it often brings a set of complex legal and workplace issues. Unfortunately, many expecting mothers are unaware of their legal rights during pregnancy and maternity leave, leading to a range of problems from financial stress to discrimination. Here’s a guide to understanding these rights and ensuring they are not overlooked. The Overlooked Reality: Lack of Awareness and Neglect Many women enter maternity leave unprepared for the challenges they may face, primarily due to a lack of awareness about their legal rights. This knowledge gap can lead to situations where rights are not fully exercised or protected, resulting in financial strain, job insecurity, and emotional distress. Employers, sometimes unintentionally, may fail to provide necessary support or even violate legal requirements due to these gaps in understanding. Understanding Your Maternity Leave Rights 1. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)    - What